Zach Rambo
A 2003 graduate of Crater High School, Zach was in the academic top 5% of his graduating class and was very involved in the Crater High Agriculture program. Zach began his college career attending Delta Community College in Stockton, California on a livestock judging scholarship. He then transferred to Texas A&M University where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science. Zach eventually completed his Master of Science degree in Animal Science at Texas A&M and met his future wife, Nicole. He then transferred to Purdue University where in 2013 he earned a doctorate of philosophy, in Swine Nutrition.
With his doctorate in hand, Zach moved to Minnesota to start his first career job with Zinpro Corporation, a privately held Minnesota based company that pioneered the organic trace mineral space in livestock feed globally. With the Zinpro Corporation, Zach has traveled to 18 different countries across North America, Europe and Asia. His academic and professional career has led to being a contributing author on 25 scientific abstracts and four scientific journal publications. His current role is North America swine sales manager for Zinpro.
Zach has received numerous honors including, Outstanding Early Career Alumni Award from the College of Ag and Life Sciences at Texas A&M University in 2019 and the Texas A&M University Department of Animal Science Outstanding Young Alumni Award in 2018. Currently Zach and his wife Nicole, live in Kenton, Ohio. Outside of work, he enjoys time fishing on Lake Erie, Michigan and in Canada.