Crater Foundation
What We Do
The Crater Foundation is a non profit organization established in 1992 to assist students in School District #6.
The Crater Foundation provides scholarship assistance to every graduating senior from Crater High School who applies for one, provides scholarship assistance to students continuing their education (after completing at least one year of college), provides financial aid to students and families in need, supplies funds to purchase necessary items such as coats, shoes, school supplies, and classroom materials.
Additionally, the Crater Foundation assists the district in funding special building projects and athletic facility improvements.
All funding comes from individuals, families, businesses, organizations, alumni, and district employees.
Finally, the Foundation supports an alumni association and mails a newsletter three times a year to approximately 9000 alumni.
Mission Statement
To establish a self-perpetuating foundation that will assist District 6 students and schools in the areas of scholarships, extracurricular activities, capital improvements and human needs.
The main emphasis is in the area of scholarship; the goal is that every graduating senior from Crater High School who applies for scholarship assistance receives money for college tuition.