Jay McRoberts
Jay began his teaching career in School District #6 in 1972 and continued in some educational capacity for 46 years. He began this long career at Scenic Junior High School where he taught social studies, coached football and wrestling, was the advisor for the Scenic Letterman’s Club and was the long-time teacher for the leadership/student government class. Jay distinguished himself early on as a “kid advocate” and continued this passion for working with and helping students until his final retirement in June of 2016. Jay’s life was more than a teacher; it was to develop relationships and serve students. In the mornings and at lunch time he would walk the halls and campus interacting with students. If a middle school student was sitting by himself, Jay would befriend him. He might help him open his locker of invite him to a Letterman’s meeting and get him involved with some friends. If a student or one of his athletes was having personal or family difficulties, Jay would seek him out. It was common for him during his prep period to call a student out of class, who may not be in any of his classes, but he knew was in need, and check up on him or make a phone call home. In addition to his busy Scenic schedule, he introduced the Fellowship of Christian Athletes club to the district and welcomed junior high school and high school students to the meetings where he became famous for his chocolate chip cookies and an abundance of sodas.
Jay’s involvement with Crater started while still at Scenic as he became an assistant football coach and then for many years he was the Freshman Wrestling Coach where he worked with many of the Crater wrestlers who went on to be state placers and champions.
Jay was the attendance counselor at Crater for the 1983-85 school years after returning from a one year sabbatical leave spent at Baylor University. He then returned to Scenic.
Jay moved from Scenic to Crater in 1997 when he became the Career Advisor, a position he held until 2002 when his first retirement occurred. Upon retirement he became the first part-time employee of the Crater Foundation and worked especially with student scholarships and the Crater Foundation annual Dessert Auction. Under his leadership the Auction became the major fund raising effort of the Crater Foundation. In 2007 Jay, now in his fifth year of retirement, was asked to come back to Crater as a part-time Career Advisor. He held this position for an additional nine years and also continued his work with the Crater Foundation, especially the Dessert Auction.
Jay is now settled in to a well-earned retirement. He and his wife, Betty, are still keeping busy by remodeling their home in Grants Pass. To say that Jay is a beloved institution in our school district would be an understatement. The positive influence he has had on several thousand young men and women may never be fully realized.