Chassie Wiersma

Chassie Wiersma was named to the Southern Oregon All-Conference women’s basketball team in 1997 as well as 1998. In addition, she was selected to the All-State Team in 1998. After her senior season ended, she was selected to play in the 1998 Oregon-Washington All-Star game. Chassie holds the Crater record for the highest field goal percentage in one season at 60% and holds the senior class record for free throw percentage at 81%. Upon graduation from Crater, she received a scholarship to play basketball at Oregon State University where she played for two years before transferring to the University of Wyoming to pursue a degree in nursing and to finish out her two years of eligibility. She graduated with her sister in 2004 with a degree in nursing.

Upon graduation Chassie lived in Denver for four years but has spent the last nine years in Portland. She was an ICU bedside nurse for nine years but currently is an Administrator on Duty at OHSU. In addition to this major responsibility, she is a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. In her spare time she is an avid traveler with travels including medical relief work in Ghana and Haiti.