1995 Nat’l FFA Champion Livestock Judging Team
Crater FFA members Melissa Wolf, Matt Debrick and Katie Dunlap were members of the 1995 National FFA Champion Livestock Team, awarded after competition with teams from 45 other states at the American Royal Livestock Show in Kansas City, Missouri. Each team member received a $1000 scholarship sponsored by Purina Mills. Additionally, Melissa Wolf was recognized as the national high individual in the contest. Team members evaluated market and breeding beef cattle, sheep, and swine, live graded market cattle, market swine and feeder cattle and presented oral reasons.
The team earned the right to represent Oregon after winning the State FFA Livestock Judging Championship at the 1995 Oregon State Fair. After winning the National Championship, the team competed in the Stocksmanship Programme of the Royal Highland Show, held in Edinburgh, Scotland where they earned highest honors in judging beef cattle.
The Future Farmers of America started in 1928 with 33 members in Kansas City so that they could participate in a livestock judging competition that was held at the American Royal. Over time, other national contests have evolved in other career areas, but the 1995 Crater team was the first team from Oregon to win a national championship in any contest area.
The team was coached by FFA Advisor, John Dimick.